
Hiatus: noun [usually singular] a pause or break in continuity in a sequence or activity…

When it comes to blogging, there are – as is the case in many aspects of life – constraints involved when choosing a low-cost option: features, flexibility, enhancements and – should you keep at it for long enough – capacity.

In this case it was the media allocation, rather than the narrative content, which threatened to overspill the assigned space; particularly inconvenient as I had decided that as the interest in writing – which had been on the wane for some time – continued to further decline, any future posts would, in the main, be ones where the story was primarily told in pictures.

The convoluted history of this blog and its antecedents can be found on the backstory page; the page is intended primarily as an aide-mémoire to supplement my declining powers of recollection, but it’s there for anyone who wishes to read it.

Moving forward, the intention is to somehow break free of the hiatus and reignite the enthusiasm for adding new posts, if only sporadically. But the boredom with the writing seems unlikely to abate and I suspect that anything added from hereon in will be more about the pictures than the words. That being the case, the roll of links to other blogs and sites has been revamped and will include more pathways to the content of photographers (landscape mostly), including some who I have begun to follow via their websites and Youtube channels.

Truth is that, even on the bad weather days, I’m happier to be out with the camera than I am sat at the keyboard, agonising over the placement of a comma.

There; I could just have said that and eliminated the need for all of the convoluted buildup!